Orders are shipped by The Courier Guy to any address within South Africa. You may also collect from us or use your own courier.
- Shipping within Cape Town typically takes 1 business day
- Shipping to major centres typically takes 1 – 2 business days.
- Shipping to smaller centres typically take 3 – 4 business days.
- Shipping to outlying areas typically take 4 – 5 business days.
- National Economy Freight up to 15Kg - R99 (national road delivery)
- National Overnight Courier up to 2kg - R150 (national air freight delivery)
- National Overnight Courier over 2kg add R45 per extra 1kg
- Cape Town Overnight Courier - R90
- Weekend delivery - Please contact us for a quotation. Estimated standard delivery times do not include weekends.
In the even of loss sue to theft/hijacking insurance up to R1000 is included. Additional insurance is available and optional at 2% of declared value above R1000
cover. Additional insurance must be ticked when placing the order as per our Terms & Conditions